PWC Executive: Blockchain And Token Asset “Phenomena” Still Raging
A representative from PricewaterhouseCoopers’ blockchain branch recently declared that demand for token assets and enterprise-level solutions is still raging, but there is still a way to go on the regulatory and trust fronts.
Enterprise-Level Blockchain Solutions And “Token Assets” Are Still A Hot-TopicBloomberg has tackled the crypto industry head-on yet again, calling upon Grainne Mcnamara, the lead of PricewaterhouseCoopers’ blockchain division, to discuss how this fledgling market is faring in spite of troubled cryptocurrency prices.
Keeping in line with Monday’s crypto-related interview, in which the CEO of an ICO-focused startup claimed that the token offering model is still effective, the Bloomberg host questioned Mcnamara on how PricewaterhouseCoopers’ (PWC) blockchain consulting service has been performing.
But it’s actually every sector that we deal with that interested in this technology.”The lead of PWC Blockchain went on to explain that not only are “enterprise applications of blockchain technology” still a popular subject, but the creation, issuance, and distribution of “token assets” (security tokens) as well.
The PWC executive then drew attention to the fact that there are still trust issues between firms and decentralized technologies, which ironically enough are arguably the most secure systems out there, so what’s not to trust?
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